The 80's, Star Wars, and Other Trends

There was a plan to use this podcast to discuss the digital trends we will be seeing 2018. However, Bryan and Brian were distracted by the legalization of marijuana, 80's music, and telling a good story. Listen along on this journey, with the knowledge that there could be a podcast on digital trends in the very near future. 

There are some Star Wars spoilers at around the thirty-two-minute mark. If you are trying to avoid them, just pop right over this piece. 

Notes from the Podcast  

Big Chuck and Little John - Bad/Good late night TV from Cleveland, OH.

The Grand Tour - A show on Amazon from the three hosts that brought you Top Gear for twenty seasons.

The Handmaid's Tale - A Hulu show about a dystopian future where only certain women can have children. The book is probably better.

Designated Survivor - A lone U.S. cabinet member becomes president after a disaster destroys most of the government. 

Serial - A weekly documentary podcast. They have two seasons in the can, though they were instrumental in creating the S-Town podcast.

The Pope's Long Con - A Kentucky NPR investigation into a man who claims to be a servant of the people, but all may not be as it seems. 

New Media Dayton - On the second Friday of every month, join some of the best marketing minds in Dayton for conversations about everything from digital trends to social media tactics.